Hemorrhoids is a disease that cause inflammation and swelling of veins in the rectum and anus. There are two characteristic of hemorrhoids, outer swelling and inside inside. For outside swelling, it can be touched with fingers, while inside swelling can be touched by put finger into abus. Hemorrhoid disease caused by two factors, genetic and health problems.
If you suffer hemorrhoid, ask your parents whether they suffer the disease. But if not, the cause is lack of consumption of fruits, fiber foods, eat spicy foods, or sitting too long.
There is no cure method to eliminate this disease. But there are other ways to reduce the occurrence of recurrent ambient, the way you need to consume water a day, less spicy food and drinking traditional jejamuan.
In this way you can feel the benefits are meant to reduce the suffering of the pain from ambient. Many patients ignore ambient foods should not be consumed. So far the patient ambien embarrassed to talk to friends or the surrounding environment. Patients with diseases considered to be ambient embarrassing and many people gossip.
From various sources collected, the experts said the disease can not be cured completely but can be avoided by adopting a healthy life and stop consuming food becomes the enemy the heaviest disease